Lundgaard Laboratory postdoctoral fellow Kelley M. Swanberg, Ph.D. recently gave a Power Pitch of her work with Marios Kritsilis, M.D., Jari Jukkola, Ph.D., and collaborators presenting their in vivo observations in rodents of solute clearance through nasal efflux from the brain. The talk was attended by 100+ researchers from around the world at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Annual Meeting 2024 at the Suntec Convention Center in Singapore, and was followed by a number of enriching discussions at the ensuing poster session. Dr. Swanberg additionally gave an oral presentation to the ISMRM Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study Group on the Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Validation Effort Resource Initiative (1H-MRS VERI), a recently established international effort toward sharing magnetic resonance spectroscopy datasets useful for the validation of processing and analysis methods, a work that was named among the top five trainee posters in spectroscopy at the 2024 annual meeting. Thank you to MultiPark, Kungliga fysiografiska sällskapet i Lund and Stiftelsen Landshövding Per Westlings minnesfond for funding this international presentation opportunity!